This post is not a food review nor an online game. But a test to you. I received this email some time ago, then is a series of photos and then ask me a question. But I think that is too difficult, so I ask the question first, then you see the photos and tell me the answer. The question is: "how many xiao long bao are there in the photos?". I doubt anyone can give me an answer.
Yesterday firdooze said... "Cracked me up on a lazy monday aftnoon! =x", I hope this xiao long bao challenge will crack you up on a lazy tueday afternoon as well.......
You still remember the question? Don't laugh, you still with me? Don't scroll so fast.... Forget it, I don't think you are counting how many buns..... So how many xiao long bao buns are there? You are not counting right? Never mind, expected........
p/s: I don't know who is she... so don't ask me....
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