
Sunday, August 3, 2008

What do you think is the objectives of SBS Transit?

For those who are taking bus recently, not sure do you notice that those information brochures about the bus route are missing. In return, are those blue color booklets that tell you: you will be paying more if you cheat.. blah blah blah.....

I wonder what is the objective of SBS Transit? Should it provide the bus route information to the customer be higher priority. Anyway, there are already many A3 size posters everywhere in the bus to tell people that they will be fined for $20 if they pay not enough the bus fare. Why put all the blue color booklet, while the bus route information is more important.

Lets take a look at the following photos taken by a reader of my blog:

Out of 5 buses, only one bus has put its route information in one of the four slot. The other 3 slots are filled with blue booklet. And the rest of the four buses got no information brochures at all.

From the SBS Transit website they say
they will "Be driven by our customers’ needs "

So to me, the customers' needs are: the bus route, time needed for the journey, and the bus fare. But not to remind me not to cheat. Any how many percent of the passengers are cheating since the used of ez-link? I am sure more passengers need the bus information.

Really can't stand it!

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